Saturday, 4 December 2010

Pledge Two: The Record

Karaoke that doesn't suck? Hell yeah - some time ago I collected a pledge from C+S, dear friends who want to record an album together if I manage to run across the Alps. Not just a song, but an album! I would have been perfectly happy with a tiny, measly song, but no - they are going to make their own music!

So now we'll have a book and a record already. Niiiiice!

Picture was taken from here - thanks!

Saturday, 27 November 2010

Ending the Hiatus

If you type in "ending the hiatus" in Google, you get 5.950 hits. Most of them refer to blogs and bloggers ending their hiatuses and engaging again with lifting, feminism, higher ed marketing, myspace or autism. In many of these blogs the blog post "Ending the Hiatus" is amongst the last of the blog posts. In German we call this "Panikblüte" - a last and final blossoming of nature and life during a dry spell before it all comes to an end.

"Hiatus" comes from the Latin word "hiare", meaning "to stand open, to yawn" and in English its plural is not only really, really "hiatuses", but it is also a nifty little word that can refer to a long syllable break between two vowels (like in the Tagalog word "Oo", meaning in English "yes"), a gap in geological strata, the opening in an organ, a vacation or break from work or the condition of having such a break.

You get the point: I had a hiatus and I haven't got many excuses. How I wish it would have been a gap in geological strata or the opening of an organ! But alas - it was merely the condition of having an idle, simple, very long and open yaaaaaaawn. Sometimes a yawn can take months to conclude.

My two prime excuses are a) having had to stop running in the end of July due to problems in the fricking Achilles tendon, and b) issues with the hip joint when I tried again in late August. Both of these experiences kind of got me down a little and for a while I pretty much stopped worrying about running all together and thought and did other things...

Now, some of you might think now that this is the end of my little self-deceiving megalomaniac plan of running across the Alps. Not so! No no no! I have simply taken some time to build up the motivation to build up the courage to build up my training again! Sometimes even a runner needs a good, open and long yaaaaawn to stretch the jawbones and sing along: You can manufacture a miracle!

Yes, I'm still sticking to the plan. Only now with less time and greater pressure to actually do the qualifying runs in 2011. So do give me some motivational speeches, emails and facebook messages, will ya!

Before you start yawning quite openly - here's the plan for December and early January:

1) Find a good orthopedic surgeon to prescribe me new orthotics.
2) Find a good fitness studio to help me build the trunk and support musculature.
3) Slowly start building the running again, supported by swimming and occasional water jogging. Today I already did a 8.6k run - wheeee...

Saturday, 3 July 2010

June (Strollin' Along...)

June has gone, July has come. Several ideas for blogposts have been postponed and the sun has tanned me latino shoulders (standing out against the peaky white of my chest). The springtime of our metereological discontent has now become glorious summer by this sun of ours! Football is on, people flock to parks and public viewing, and my running routine is fitted in pleasantly according to the schedule of our pastime. You can always run home from a walk along the river or an afternoon at the pool!

There is more to report - a half-marathon, the results of the Cro-Magnon Race 2010, the fascinating story of my Achilles tendon and, and, and - all of this will follow in the next couple of days... So long!

The June data:

No of Runs: 14
Total Distance (km): 193,9
Ave speed (min/km): 5:59
Longest Run (km): 40,8

Edit: I was trying very hard to find a theme song for this month. After watching many youtube music videos I stumbled across this. It is just perfect ;-).

May? What May? Oh, you mean that February-like so-called "month" when people rumoured about some strange "yellow thing in the sky" somebody with holidays had actually seen far, far away in a southern country. As far as crappy Mays go, this one was number six in Vienna since 1841. 164 liters of water fell on every square meter and I have run through many of them. At some point I didn't care about weather anymore - I got totally soaked by cars going through puddles, did a rainy 25K mountain run with 1100m altitude change, had to run around flooded rivers and told myself that weather is overrated and rain good for the crops and that there isn't bad weather, only bad clothing. Yes, and then I caught a cold and had to stop running for a week.

Looking for an adequate song to describe these borderline metaphysical experiences, I found a slightly nerve-wrecking 80s thing by guy called Max Werner. Surely, I have had my share of rain in May! I feel nervous and itchy and need to and shall run again today! Yesterday Summer has finally arrived here - with open air cinema, people flooding the parks and dancing in the streets, hmmm...

...but now for the data on my merry, merry month of May:

No of Runs: 18
Total Distance (km): 186,7
Ave speed (min/km): 6:01
Longest Run (km): 32,3

Monday, 3 May 2010


One nice side effect of my current training regime is that I swim more often. Amazing! Today I even felt somewhat like a fish - which is very unusual for me. I only choked on chlorinated water once or twice. Or thrice. Which would make me a special needs fish, BUT - nevertheless a fish. I used to be a wood grouse - who according to urban legend wood grouses even drown in rain - and now I'm growing gills...


please click to picture above to feed me and my friends!

Thursday, 29 April 2010

Pledge One: The Book

Adventure get's more interesting the more people get involved. So when I just told my old friend P.S. about this crazy plan of mine, he also shared a dream of his: He always wanted to write a book. In fact, he agreed to finally write this book if I manage to finish the Cro-Magnon in less than 24 hours. Not a pamphlet, a book. Not an essay, a book.

Knowing P.S. as somebody who tends to keep his word this bet will greatly boost my moral during those long boring winter runs - not simply because I am interested in what he might be coming up with, but because of a simple idea:

If I just finish the race in a day, a book shall be written.

Nice thought.

Any other bets anybody?

Every month I will post my training results, so my current training mileage will be public. And if I sit on the sofa instead of scuffling the streets, people will know, so I gotta run! Haha - it's a catch!

In order to make the whole exercise even more interesting I shall also hide songs and links randomly here and there, like easter eggs. So in 2012 we won't only have crossed the Alps, but we'll also have done so on one gigantic two-year egg hunt. Hannibal's bones shall shuffle their feet in awe...

Oh and I forgot - the "Hopeless Feats Illustrated" will be cited for comments from time to time. For those more interested in where I steer my training. If "steer" is the right word here...

But here's the training, April come she will:

No of Runs: 12
Total Distance (km): 120,7
Ave speed (min/km): 6:24
Longest Run (km): 25,3

Monday, 19 April 2010

Running Across the Alps

I wanted a challenge to get my arse back off the chair. Two or three years ago I had been a mediocre runner of marathons. In 2007, after a painful and embarrassing five-hour "run" up and down the hills of Istanbul, I stopped running and took up couch-potatoing.

More recently, while thoughtfully weighing the pros and cons of a life eating yummy unhealthy things on our comfy livingroom sofa I realized that somehow I needed to trick myself off the sofa if I was to achieve something grand and manly in my lifetime. Nothing against five-hour marathons, but I, emperor of the livingroom sofa, needed something bigger! Other people had discovered the North Pole, sailed around the world or crossed the Alps, feats that had fed the imagination of whole generations and I had stumbled through Istanbul... -- "hang on", I thought, "I love the Alps!!" And right there, smiling like a Himalayan king, the cold wind of adventure touched my cheek - right where the pillow had left its mark...

Chance has it that there is indeed a single-stage race across the Alps - the Cro-Magnon Extreme Race. This year, it is 112km long with all in all 5700m altitude climbs. In 2008 it had been won in 9 hrs and 31 minutes by Dachhiri-Dawa Sherpa, born in 1969 in 2700m altitude in a small village just around the corner from Mt Everest. Some 19 hrs after him brave Pietro Bernardo, the last of the 340, made it across the finish line. In 2009 the race was called off due to bad weather and 1.2m snow. Wow!!

If 340 people could do it, why not me? If I'm still young enough for a crazy sportive feat, why not now? If this isn't a chance to - realistically - do something actually pretty impossible, then what is?

So last 7 April 2010 I started to run. Realistically, I need two years training. This blog shall serve as my training diary.