Thursday, 29 April 2010

April 2010

Every month I will post my training results, so my current training mileage will be public. And if I sit on the sofa instead of scuffling the streets, people will know, so I gotta run! Haha - it's a catch!

In order to make the whole exercise even more interesting I shall also hide songs and links randomly here and there, like easter eggs. So in 2012 we won't only have crossed the Alps, but we'll also have done so on one gigantic two-year egg hunt. Hannibal's bones shall shuffle their feet in awe...

Oh and I forgot - the "Hopeless Feats Illustrated" will be cited for comments from time to time. For those more interested in where I steer my training. If "steer" is the right word here...

But here's the training, April come she will:

No of Runs: 12
Total Distance (km): 120,7
Ave speed (min/km): 6:24
Longest Run (km): 25,3