Saturday, 22 September 2012

Fatherhood and Running Mood

My mountain ultramarathon plans for 2012 were brushed aside earlier this year when a knee friction syndrom, quickly followed by the arrival of our firstborn daughter, added irrelevance and impossibility to an already pretty compulsive idea. I am a parent now and my running did not dare to mix with that role for a while, for many very good reasons. Our daughter is bringing wonder into our lives and more so the older she gets.
Today I was looking at old family pictures I had never seen. Looking at my parents when they were young I do profoundly wonder how it happened that they got old? I can recognise them on those pictures, I connect what I see to story I was told, but actually I do not know their lives before I was born. Undoubtably my daughter will marvel at my own childhood and youth pictures and ask herself questions one day. We travel very far in life.
Anyway, I was gonna talk about running. My dream race, the Cro-Magnon Extreme Race, was hence out of question, yet we did fly to France nevertheless in late June. I watched the runners arriving in Cap d'Ail, happy and exhausted after a gruelling full day of running. I truely missed running.
Yet, if at first the idea is not absurd, there is no hope for it. So I have decided to give the whole thing another chance and started running again in late July. I do physiotherapy for the knee, for the piriformis muscle (aka arse muscle), for the achilles tendon and it is really helping. My running sore spots are in check so far. This week I'm running ~55km and I hope to raise that to over 100km by the end of the year - if I stay healthy.
I believe that this is now or never for my running dreams and my chance for 2013: I'm on paternity leave for nearly a full year starting November. I bought myself a running Ferrari , with which we'll have a lot of fun. I'm continuing physiotherapy and looking for a running club.
Also, I have a race plan: 10km race in December, then January to March a Winter Running Series with 7, 14, 21km races and the Vienna Marathon in Spring, and finally, hopefully, if all goes well, inch' allah - the Cro-Magnon Extreme Race in June 2013? Pray for my knee, heel and arse...