Saturday, 3 July 2010

June (Strollin' Along...)

June has gone, July has come. Several ideas for blogposts have been postponed and the sun has tanned me latino shoulders (standing out against the peaky white of my chest). The springtime of our metereological discontent has now become glorious summer by this sun of ours! Football is on, people flock to parks and public viewing, and my running routine is fitted in pleasantly according to the schedule of our pastime. You can always run home from a walk along the river or an afternoon at the pool!

There is more to report - a half-marathon, the results of the Cro-Magnon Race 2010, the fascinating story of my Achilles tendon and, and, and - all of this will follow in the next couple of days... So long!

The June data:

No of Runs: 14
Total Distance (km): 193,9
Ave speed (min/km): 5:59
Longest Run (km): 40,8

Edit: I was trying very hard to find a theme song for this month. After watching many youtube music videos I stumbled across this. It is just perfect ;-).